Care & Contemplation - 7/1/2024

Care & Contemplation July 2024

Faith communities are called to offer love, just like Jesus did. At St. Luke’s, we have ministries of care that offer support during times of physical, mental and spiritual need. We are seeking to be a place that brings wholeness to everyone we serve. 

Are you Experiencing a Care Need?

We want to care for you through prayers, support and visits. If you or someone you know is hospitalized, currently living in a healthcare center, assisted living or confined to their home, we are here for you. If you are in need of a Care Team member either in response to a death or a tragic event after office hours, please call (317) 846-3404 and follow the prompts. If you're in need of any other Care, please visit

GriefShare Next Session starts July 31

It may be difficult for you to feel optimistic about the future after the loss of a loved one. You may have found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt that you feel. It can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about things you've never faced before. Join us for the next series of GriefShare classes to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. This group meets weekly starting July 31st at 3:15 or 6:15PM in the Community Room at the North Indy Campus. Register online at

Nature Walk at Holliday Park - July 14th

Join us for a leisurely walk through a local park sharing appreciation of God's beautiful creation and gratitude to those who keep our parks available to everyone. Time for quiet contemplation or conversation with others from St Luke's. A pleasant way to spend an hour on Sunday afternoon. This groups will walk at different parks on the second Sundays of the month from June to October. On July 14, 2PM, Holliday Park, nature center parking area, meet at nature center