Care & Contemplation - 3/1/2025

Faith communities are called to offer love, just like Jesus did. At St. Luke’s, we have ministries of care that offer support during times of physical, mental and spiritual need. We are seeking to be a place that brings wholeness to everyone we serve. We offer many support groups and one-on-one Christian care-giving.

Contact our Care Team about care needs at

This month: Taize Lenten Service

Monday, March 17th, 5:30 PM in N103/104

Taizé is a service designed in the contemplative practice of singing chants together, reflection on scripture and a time of silence. In times of relentless busyness and anxiety, when the clamor and turmoil of life can be overwhelming, you are invited to come away for 30 minutes in the season of Lent to let yourself dwell in the presence of Christ. If you have never experienced a Taizé service you will find it easy to join in or just rest in the flow of the peace of God as the sounds and silence surround you.

Register for this event and other Taizé services here.

Ministry Highlight: Healing Partners Ministry: A Journey to Wholeness Through Faith and Compassion

The Healing Partners Ministry has been an active care ministry at St. Luke’s UMC for 25 years.

We use the unique Pilgrimage Integrative Healing Process—a combination of relaxation, gentle touch, and prayer—to promote wholeness of body, mind, and spirit.

Healing is a journey toward wholeness, and the need for healing is universal.

We may experience times of illness, loss, extreme stress, depression, or anxiety. Sometimes, we simply feel out of balance or disconnected in our lives or relationships.

A healing session with Healing Partners is for anyone who may be struggling, as well as for those seeking wellness and self-care.

The Healing Partners Ministry offers weekly healing sessions to anyone who would like to attend. There is no fee for these sessions.

To register, visit here or call the church at 317-846-3404 x367.

A healing session with our ministry joins the intention, prayer, and presence of two Healing Partners with the power of the Spirit of God in extending love. We believe that the force behind all healing is God—who is love.

We also offer workshops and extensive, ongoing training for those who would like to learn this process and become part of our ministry.

For questions or training information, contact Sandy Clark at

Recent Testimonial

I'm Kathleen's husband writing [on] her behalf, she has participated in a session with Healing Partners at St Luke's United Methodist Church due to chronic pain from spondylosis and stenosis and a prior diagnosis of chronic kidney disease. It has been an important part of her healing process. She was referred to Healing Partners by her Stephen Minister from Castleton United Methodist Church and we are so blessed to have been connected with this ministry. We give thanks that you are continuing in God's service. Praise God from whom all blessings flow with Holy Spirit Power in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. - Wes S.

Coming soon... Stations of the Cross: Encountering the Cosmic Christ This Lent

April 6th – April 18th

Location: Church Narthex

Open to all whenever the church building is open

Walking the Stations of the Cross is an ancient Christian practice, especially undertaken as a prayer discipline during the season of Lent. This year’s experience may feel a little different and may be new to you.

We invite you to explore this ancient Christian tradition of Christ as the very first idea of God, permeating the entire universe. If you have ever stood in awe under a starry sky, been lifted by the fragrance of a rose, or felt joy in the laughter of a child, you have experienced the permeating presence of Christ in all that is.

These stations are based on the ancient metaphors of scripture, offering us ways to understand the movement of God in this magnificent universe—from galaxies to grasshoppers, through joys and sorrows, in life and in death. Saint Luke’s artists and writers have prayerfully created visual images and reflections to accompany each scripture.

We invite you to walk the stations, entering into prayerful contemplation on the scripture, image, and reflection. Walk all the stations or just a few. Linger with the images. Look deeply. Listen closely. Let yourself be moved by the Spirit of God.

It is our hope that walking these Stations of the Cross will enlighten and deepen your understanding and encounter with the Presence of the Cosmic Christ.