What to Expect

Welcome to St. Luke’s Indy!

We are an open, inclusive, anti-racist community of Christians helping people find and give hope through Jesus Christ - regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, disability, or socioeconomic background. We’d love for you to join us for services online or in-person:

In-Person: Sundays @ 9:30AM
Livestream: Sundays @ 9:30AM & 11AM | Facebook/YouTube: Sundays @ 9:30AM

In-Person: Sundays @ 9:30AM & 11AM
Livestream: Sundays @ 9:30AM & 11AM | Facebook/YouTube: Sundays @ 11AM

In-Person: Sundays @ 11AM

We're excited to see you at St. Luke's! To make things even easier when you arrive with your kiddos, you can pre-register here.  

St. Luke's North Indy

Traditional Service: Sundays at 9:30AM

Traditional worship features diverse music from St. Luke's 85+ member choir, the St. Luke's orchestra, organ and piano, numerous vocal and instrumental ensembles, handbells, hymns, and liturgy. Senior Pastor Rob Fuquay and the pastoral staff at St. Luke's offer messages that are biblical, relevant, and hopeful. 

Contemporary Service: Sundays at 9:30 & 11AM

The contemporary service is filled with modern worship music. This intergenerational and engaging service is backed with a strong, biblical, relevant message from Senior Pastor Rob Fuquay and the pastoral staff at St. Luke’s.

St. Luke's Campus

There are many iconic, spaces at St. Luke's all with a very extensive history. Take a look at our sacred spaces here.

St. Luke's Midtown

Contemporary Services: Sundays @ 11AM

The contemporary service is filled with modern worship music. This intergenerational and engaging service is backed with a strong, biblical, live, and relevant message from Rev. Mindie Moore and the pastoral staff at St. Luke’s. If you're interested in joining the Launch Team for this new campus, contact Rev. Mindie Moore.

Church Online

Livestream: Sunday @ 9:30AM & 11AM | Facebook & YouTube: Sundays @ 9:30AM

Livestream: Sunday @ 9:30AM & 11AM | Facebook & YouTube: Sundays @ 11AM

Welcome to St. Luke’s online! Each week, over 2,000 people join online to worship together at one of our two service formats: traditional service and contemporary service. These services are broadcast from our North Indy campus. While unique in their offerings, what you’ll receive from each is a tailor-fit experience that aligns with what you’re looking for. Check us out on stlukesumc.com/live or on Facebook and YouTube

Before You Arrive

If you are planning a visit to St. Luke's, feel free to call ahead at (317) 846-3404 x308, complete the family pre-registration form if you have kids, or we can arrange for a member of our New Here team to meet you. We are ready to answer any questions you might have, or if you like, even attend service with you. Do you have questions before you even walk in our door for the first time? Take a look at some of our answers below.

St. Luke's North Indy Campus

The main parking lot can be easily accessed off of 86th Street. There is a special parking area for guests at St. Luke's (please turn on your flashers and you will be directed to the guest parking). Additionally, there is also a handicapped parking lot. If you happen to have to park far from the church entries, look for a golf cart to give you door-to-door service! If you'll be attending Traditional Worship, we suggest entering through Door 1, and for Contemporary Worship enter through Doors 6 or 7. If you're parking in the handicap lot, Door 4 is the easiest entry point. For families with young children, we suggest entering through Door 16 to check-in for Kids Church.

St. Luke's Midtown Campus

The main parking lot can be easily accessed off of Guilford Ave.  Handicap parking is available. You'll enter through the main door under the awning. Additional parking is located across the street in the old Kroger lot. 

Our Kids' Ministry partners with parents to raise children who trust God with their hearts, and follow Jesus in their lives.

St. Luke's North Indy Campus

When you arrive at church, you'll go to Door 16 to get your kids checked in. From there, you'll take your infant-4th grade kids directly to their rooms for a lesson, worship, and crafts.

St. Luke's Midtown Campus

When you arrive at church, you'll go to the main doors, up one flight of stairs, and into the lobby. From there, you'll take your infant-PreK kids directly to their rooms, and K-4th graders will go to "big church" with their parents for the first 10 minutes and then be led, by volunteers to the kids area for a lesson, worship, and crafts.

Middle School

North Indy - Lodge: Sundays at 9:30 & 11AM
Midtown - Youth Room: Sundays at 10AM

High School Small Groups

North Indy: Sundays at 9:30AM & 11AM - Hub | 12PM & 1PM - Lodge
Midtown - Youth Room: Sundays at 10AM

High School Worship

North Indy - Sundays at 9:30AM & 11AM
Midtown - Sundays at 11AM

We partner with parents to raise tweens, teens, and college-aged students to create safe spaces where students can grow in an inclusive environment, be transformed by Jesus, engage in meaningful faith-forming relationships, serve as change-agents in their communities, and develop into spiritual leaders.

Attending a small group, class, or Bible study is the first step to making a large church smaller. A small group is an ideal place for cultivating these relationships! If you have more questions, you can stop at the Connection Center outside of the worship space.

Yes! The Special Needs Ministry is designed to meet the unique needs of EVERY person from birth to adulthood. We focus on their abilities, rather than disabilities. Every person is uniquely designed by God and it is our goal to help them understand God’s purpose and plan for their lives. Contact Haley Bring, our Director of Special Needs Ministry, for more information and to give us a little bit more information about your child's/adult's needs. This is available at each of our campuses depending on how many requests we have and volunteers that are available. 

Yes! We are one of the few open churches in the area. This means that we affirm the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and non-binary persons (LGBTQIA+) in the church's life and ministry. There are no limitations in the level at which you can participate in our church. You will be loved here, no exceptions! 

Here’s our complete open statement:

At St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, we are an open community of Christians helping people find and give hope through Jesus Christ - regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, disability, or socioeconomic background. We work to ensure that our congregation and its leadership represent the community in which we are located. We are dedicated to including women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ as staff and in positions of leadership and decision-making.

We renounce the way religion has been used throughout history to support racism, war, discrimination, genocide, violence, and poverty, and we pledge to rid ourselves of the conscious and unconscious biases when sacred stories are used to uphold injustice. We are particularly sensitive to the issues facing our brothers and sisters of color and LGBTQ+ individuals, both within the United Methodist Church and in the general society. We pledge to be leaders in eradicating racism and discrimination. You are invited to join us. 

If you are visiting, we won't ask you to give a dime. We won't make you wear a visitor badge or ask you to stand up or do anything that could make you feel uncomfortable. We want you to remain as anonymous as you want to, but we encourage you to visit our church over several weeks to see what's going on at St. Luke's. Our sign-in process is all digital and we'd love to have your contact information so that we can follow-up with you after your visit via text.

In order to help you find your way through the halls, you can reference this map - however, on a Sunday morning, someone at the Connections Centers at each campus will personally guide you to the space you're looking for!

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