North Indy Campus

What To Expect

Services Times

Traditional - Sundays at 9:30AM | Sanctuary
Contemporary - Sundays at 9:30AM & 11AM | Robertson Chapel

St. Luke's UMC, Indy-North is located just west of Meridian on 86th Street in Indianapolis. We are an open community of Christians helping people find and give hope through Jesus Christ. Who we are is a defining part of St. Luke's. On Sunday mornings at the North Campus, we offer 2 styles of worship; our traditional service is at 9:30AM in the Sanctuary and the contemporary worship is at 9:30AM & 11AM in the Chapel.

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Traditional 9:30AM
Contemporary 9:30AM & 11AM

Traditional 9:30AM & 11AM
Contemporary 9:30AM & 11AM

100 W. 86th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46260


Answers to Commonly Asked Questions

The 86th Street Campus offers 2 styles of worship. The traditional service at 9:30AM with a full choir, orchestra (on 3rd Sundays), traditional style hymns and an amazing sermon. The contemporary service at 9:30 and 11AM has modern christian music with a live band, and also an amazing sermon.

Yes! We are one of the few open churches in the area. This means that we affirm the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and non-binary persons (LGBTQIA+) in the church's life and ministry. There are no limitations in the level at which you can participate in our church. You will be loved here, no exceptions! 

Our Kids' Ministry partners with parents to raise children who trust God with their hearts, and follow Jesus with their lives. When you arrive at church, you'll go to Door 16 to get your kids checked into services. From there, you'll take your infant-PreK kids directly to their rooms and K-4th graders will go to "big church" with their parents for the first 10 minutes and then be led, by volunteers, into Great Hall for a lesson, worship, and crafts.

Pre-Register Kids Here

We partner with parents to raise tweens, teens, and college-aged students to create safe spaces where students can grow in an inclusive environment, be transformed by Jesus, engage in meaningful faith-forming relationships, serve as change-agents in their communities, and develop into spiritual leaders.

Learn More

Yes! The Special Needs Ministry is designed to meet the unique needs of EVERY person from birth to adulthood. We focus on their abilities, rather than disabilities. Every person is uniquely designed by God and it is our goal to help them understand God’s purpose and plan for their lives. Contact Haley Bring, our Director of Special Needs Ministry, for more information and to give us a little bit more information about your child's/adult's needs.

Contact Us

St. Luke's wants you to know that you are welcome here and that you belong! We have more details about what to expect and next steps to connect by clicking below. Don't hesitate to contact us with any unanswered questions. We can't wait to meet you!

More Info Here

Worship With Us!
In-Person, Online, or On-Demand