Our specially trained team members have a desire to see every child experience Jesus on their level. We can provide sensory toys, rewards, and modifications as needed at both our North Indy and Midtown campuses. Individual adjustments to the current programming are also accommodated for those who may benefit from more time in a smaller, quieter environment.
We have a buddy program that pairs up a child with special needs one on one with a team member in one of the typical kids ministry environments. Your child will experience Jesus through worship, teaching, and interactive activities alongside same-aged peers.
Volunteers serve as buddies to partner with your child in Sunday morning programming during the 9:30am and 11am services at North Indy, and during the 11am service at Midtown.
For our North Indy location, our Genesis Music and KidzSing Music programs have buddies and volunteers trained in strategies for including kids with various needs.
Many of our special events including Vacation Bible School have options for buddy support, access to our sensory retreat room, and additional accommodations as needed.
To learn more about serving as a buddy or requesting support for your child, please contact Haley.