One Church Finding and Giving Hope

June 07, 2024 • Rev. Mindie Moore

Greetings from your Midtown Campus Pastor! One of the biggest joys of my work is seeing how the mission of St. Luke's is being lived out in multiple locations every week. By being a multisite church, we get to extend God's love and grace to so many people in different communities who have different stories but are all drawn together by this place called St. Luke's. We also get to form unexpected connections within our church community when we fellowship together across campuses.  

I recently saw this in action at the Soul Care Retreat last month. This retreat was hosted by the United Women of Faith, in the North Indy Campus Great Hall, and engaged people from North Indy, Midtown, and Online worshipping communities. One specific group of women who sat together really illustrated this connection. They represented different campuses and worship styles and they had first met through the Montgomery Civil Rights Pilgrimage that Susan Peters and I co-led back in April. Thanks to these moments of church-wide connection, these women were able to both form and maintain friendships with each other while growing in their faith! 

Something really powerful happens when we come together as one church like that. We are a year and a half into this adventure of being a multisite church and God has consistently reminded me what a gift it is that we are connected to each other. The ways that we deepen existing relationships and create new ones are living proof of the Holy Spirit at work in this pace. I'm so grateful to be part of what God is doing here, with YOU! 

Rev. Mindie Moore