Interim: A Gift

May 17, 2024 • Rev. Mary Ann Moman

The dictionary defines interim as a period between one event and another. I have been the interim pastor of care and contemplation since late November. It has been an interim for me between retirement and re-retirement! For St. Luke's it has been the time between full time, appointed pastors of Care and Contemplation. For all of us we have been between what was and what will be. I have thought about this interim work as an interlude. I have taken a break from retirement to provide needed leadership in these ministries at St. Luke's.   

In these months I have met and worked with a creative and dedicated staff. I am so grateful for their patience helping me "jump" into ministry here. They have been patient with my questions and lack of technical skills! They have become trusted colleagues and friends. I love hallway conversations and laughter that mark our days here. I have been blessed by the care and concern that is shared by the staff. I will miss them. 

During this interlude in my life, I have discovered how many friends I have at St. Luke's. It has been a joy to make new connections with members of the St. Luke's congregation. You have welcomed me into this community, and I am grateful. As with every congregation I have served over the years, you have changed me. You have helped me be a better pastor. Thank you. 

And now I go back to retirement. I will find a new rhythm for this season in my life. I have a stack of books that need to be read. I'm looking forward to more time with grandchildren in Tennessee and taking long walks at Eagle Creek Park. I might even "rev up" the sourdough starter. I will sit on the back porch and listen to the birds.  

The interim has been a gift-new friendships, new ministry challenges, and the opportunity to share in the community at St. Luke's. The writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is a time for everything under the sun.  

There was a time to begin this interim journey and now a time to end it. The journey was both challenging and joyful. Thank you. 

I leave you with this blessing from Numbers 6: 

"May the Lord bless you and keep you: May God smile on you and be gracious to you; may God look your way and give you peace." 

With gratitude, Mary Ann 

Rev. Mary Ann Moman