Include, Welcome, and Love

July 12, 2024 • Crystal Hensley

There's nothing more impactful than seeing our future generations being the hands and feet of Jesus. From my role as Director of Mosaic Ministry, I have been able to witness this firsthand in our summer opportunities offered at St. Luke’s. Mosaic Ministry has been very involved this summer with supporting the integration of kids and students into programming, regardless of one’s ability level or individual needs. It is when we all can live out our mission as the body of Christ and be celebrated for what we have to offer, God’s presence is truly evident. From Vacation Bible School to Middle School Mayhem, to High School Camp, to Freedom School, and now our Youth Mission Trip, I have seen countless examples of kids and youth showing up for one another in powerful, inclusive ways.  

The most powerful example of inclusion that continues to bring joy to my heart is from our high school youth during their time at Camp Epworth a couple weeks ago. A student who uses a power wheelchair was devastated when his wheelchair broke early in the week. Our assistant youth director encouraged his freshman peer group to pray over him, then beauty continued to unfold. These freshman boys took him under their wing, lifting him into a wagon and pulling him around for the day’s activities. When it was time for group worship, they pulled his wagon to the front. They knew that worship was one of this boy’s favorite activities, and he would be filled with joy when lifting his voice and clapping his hands for the Lord. This group was one, bonded in friendship and not held back by barriers. God’s love prevailed and this group quite literally became Jesus’s hands and feet. 

God calls us to show up for one another. We are to step in when people need our help, and we are to open our arms when it’s time to welcome help from others. We have seasons of giving and seasons of receiving. Such is life, and we are called to show up for every part of it. How can you notice someone and offer help this week? Or if you are in a trying season, how can you be bold enough to ask for help from someone else?  

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” -1 Corinthians 12:27 NIV  

May the Lord bless you in your actions of being the body of Christ. May you have the same boldness as our youth to include, welcome, and love others this week.  


Crystal Hensley 
Director of Mosaic Ministry 

Crystal Hensley