This week, my family and I took a walk down my very favorite Street in Broad Ripple. I'm not sure it even qualifies as a "street" because it's actually an alley. Flower Alley to be exact.
Flower Alley is essentially a two-block stretch of alleyway behind homes where all the garages have been painted with these giant, vibrant murals of different kinds of flowers and plants. On each mural, next to the big floral image, there is some kind of inspirational saying. Be Welcome. Be Bold. Be Remembered.
Every time I walk down this alley, I am practically overwhelmed with delight. Neighbors have gone out of their way to make the space welcoming to whoever wanders past. Some have even added benches so that the random passerby can take a break and just appreciate the art surrounding them. There's something about the visuals and hospitality that makes this one of the very best parts of our community.
Like most good things, I have to slow down in order to experience it. I wonder how many beautiful and restorative things are already around us, just waiting for us to take the time to discover them. I wonder how often God is showing up in the everyday pieces of our lives, if only we could move slow enough to notice.
As people who live in a world that moves fast (and sometimes furiously), let's take some time to wander. Let's look around with purpose, seeing the best in our communities and the people around us. Let's allow ourselves to see the many reflections of God in our midst. And as we do that, let us be people who experience something that feels like the deep peace and joy of Christ.
- Mindie