Weekend Warriors - A New Outreach
Right here in the middle of Washington Township, families are struggling with food insecurity. Washington Township’s Early Learning Center serves families with children ages 3-5 years old, and they have identified 10 families in desperate need of food assistance.
They first reached out to us because these families also struggle with diaper need, and as we talked with the preschool staff, we worked out a plan to support these families and young children on a regular basis, by supplying food that can be sent home with them each week.
Could you donate a bag of food each week or two for one of those families?
Beginning March 13, we will supply plastic grocery bags of food each week. Plastic bags need to fit into a child's backpack. Consider including non-perishable items like canned pasta sauce, veggies, fruit, meats, soups, or beans, boxes of pasta, bags of rice, tortillas, granola bars, crackers, and other kid-friendly items. Do not include anything that needs to be refrigerated or requires other ingredients to be made.
Drop off your donation in the bin between doors 6 and 7 by noon on Thursdays. We also need one person to deliver bags to the school, near North Central High School, on Thursday afternoons by 3:00pm.
Click here to sign up.
If you have any questions, please contact Deleath Blomberg at drblomberg1@gmail.com
Submitted by Deleath Blomberg