Neighbor Resources - 2/20/2025

UWF Spring Rummage Sale

March 5-8, 2025

United Women in Faith's annual spring rummage sale is coming up next month! Proceeds from this popular event raises money for community partners such as Lucille Raines Residence, Dove Recovery House, Indiana UMC Children's Home, and Hearts and Hope for Haiti.

Now is a great time to do some spring cleaning and donate your items to a good cause - donation times are listed below:

  • Wednesday, March 5: 9am-7pm
  • Thursday, March 6: 9am-7pm
  • Friday, March 7: 9am-12pm

If you want to come shop, there are two shopping times:

  • St. Luke's Member Sale is Friday, March 7 from 6-8pm
  • Public Sale is Saturday, March 8 from 8am-2pm

They are also in need of volunteers to help work during donation drop off and during the sale! If you are interested in volunteering, click here to sign up.

You can contact Brenda Westfall at with any questions.

Neighbor Resources - 2/19/2025

Crooked Creek Food Pantry

Oh, what a night! On February 11, 2025, 10 years to the first day of distribution, Crooked Creek Food Pantry celebrated 10 years of service to our community. While we are not happy with our neighbors’ struggles, we are honored and privileged to serve our community in a dignified and respectful way. We are inspired to do more each and every day, especially as Ana shared her powerful story of how CCFP helps her family through health and financial challenges. She called us “angels.”

We could not help Ana or other neighbors without the support of our volunteers, partners, and friends. St. Luke’s United Methodist Church has been a significant and instrumental partner since the beginning. Linda & Steve Claffey, Jamalyn Peigh Williamson, and Nate Montgomery started St. Luke’s efforts; it continues today with many more! We are honored to have so many St. Luke’s members actively share their time, talent, and treasure. Please keep coming! Shout out and special thanks to our 10th Anniversary Committee of Mary Davidson, Margaret Gordon, Sharri Jackson, Wend McNarney, Jerrie Miller, and Mary Ann Thaman. Additionally, we are fortunate to have the leadership of Shelly Clasen; Brad Davidson; Barbara Graves; Nikki Nace, M.D.; and Jim Wine as they serve on our Board of Directors.

CCFP is always looking for volunteers. It is a terrific way to see current friends, make new friends, and give back to our community. Please go to our website and sign up today!

Submitted by Kathy Hahn Keiner

Weekend Warriors - A New Outreach

Right here in the middle of Washington Township, families are struggling with food insecurity. Washington Township’s Early Learning Center serves families with children ages 3-5 years old, and they have identified 10 families in desperate need of food assistance.

They first reached out to us because these families also struggle with diaper need, and as we talked with the preschool staff, we worked out a plan to support these families and young children on a regular basis, by supplying food that can be sent home with them each week.

Could you donate a bag of food each week or two for one of those families?

Beginning March 13, we will supply plastic grocery bags of food each week. Plastic bags need to fit into a child's backpack. Consider including non-perishable items like canned pasta sauce, veggies, fruit, meats, soups, or beans, boxes of pasta, bags of rice, tortillas, granola bars, crackers, and other kid-friendly items. Do not include anything that needs to be refrigerated or requires other ingredients to be made.

Drop off your donation in the bin between doors 6 and 7 by noon on Thursdays. We also need one person to deliver bags to the school, near North Central High School, on Thursday afternoons by 3:00pm.

Click here to sign up.

If you have any questions, please contact Deleath Blomberg at

Submitted by Deleath Blomberg

Supporting Dove Recovery House

St. Luke's chapter of United Women in Faith works very closely with Dove Recovery House which is the largest recovery housing program for women in Marion County serving 40 women each night and more than 80 annually. Dove House provides safe housing, quality addiction recovery programming, and hope for the future - and they do it all at no cost to the clients!

One of UWF's circles, Projects with a Purpose, recently sewed fleece hats and scarves for the ladies at Dove House. Marilyn Langston had the opportunity to visit and drop off the completed projects. She said that she was delighted by the reactions of the ladies and touched that such a simple project for her group could bring so much joy to others. This picture shows three of the Doves posing in their new hats.

Projects with a Purpose meets monthly to work on projects like this, and they would love to have you join them! They welcome people of all skill levels whether you know how to sew or not - they always need people willing to cut and iron fabric. Email Marilyn Langston at to get involved.

Submitted by Samantha Isaacs