STEP 1: Starting Point
Starting Point is a 30-minute orientation to St. Luke’s. You’ll meet others who are new and leave with a next step to help you find your place within the church. This is a great way to become familiar with who we are and how we live out our faith. No registration is needed for the in-person classes. Just show up! We can't wait to meet you!
North Indy @ 10:45AM & 12:15 PM - C115
Apr 13, May 18, June 22, Jul 20, Aug 24
Midtown @ 12:15PM - Conference Room
Apr 13, May 18, June 22, Jul 20, Aug 24
To arrange a tour of the church or to schedule your first visit, feel free to connect with Terri Coe, Director of New Here Ministries by email or by phone at 317-846-3404, x428.