Prayer Wall

Prayer Wall

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Viola Cleo

Prayed for 0 times

Pray for me, Dear Jesus, pray to set me free from Satan, and pray a salvation prayer for me. Send Paul Bernardo away from me. Pray for my deep peace, and deep sleep. I need brain trauma healing and brainstem healing. Please Retrieve my mind. Pray



Prayed for 1 times

For good health. For a house, a husband & a dog



Prayed for 3 times

Asking for prayers for my son Caelan. He is currently stationed overseas in the Middle East. His time there is suppose to come to an end in a couple months. Please pray for his safety and safe return home. Thank you!



Prayed for 2 times

Please pray for my sister Annie battling breast cancer



Prayed for 9 times

Please pray for Ashley Peiffer. Dear family friend. 40 yr old mother of 2 in ICU on a vent with lung infection from flu. Has been on vent for going on two weeks.



Prayed for 5 times

Please pray for a renewed relationship between my granddaughter, 18 years old Liliana, and her mother, Vanessa. My granddaughter can't understand why her mother doesn't have the capacity to love her. Her self esteem is really low at this time.



Prayed for 4 times

Father God have mercy on me in Jesus name keep me from in be with me and bless me keep me in Your will and obedient to You in Jesus name and blood amen



Prayed for 12 times

My son Josh (41) has autism and is very ill with a backed up esophagus. Please pray that the medical team at Cleveland Clinic can find a way to help him.



Prayed for 13 times

That I am guided to the right home & the right emotional support dog. That I learn what I need & bloom where I am planted at this time.


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