Fill a Bag of Food for a Family

Thursday, April 3 9:00 AM (Recurring Event)
North Indy Campus

St. Luke's has been approached by a Washington Township preschool that has 10 families struggling to feed their families over the weekend. We have committed to bringing them 10 plastic grocery bags each week that are filled with kid-friendly food to help them get through the weekend. Could you be one of ten people who donate a bag of food for one of those families?

Plastic bags need to fit into a child's backpack. Bags will be dropped off in the bins between doors 6 & 7 between 9am-12pm on Thursday morning.

Items to consider including: canned pasta, canned veggies, canned fruit, canned meats, canned soups, canned beans, tortillas, granola bars, crackers, other items that are kid-friendly

Do not include anything that needs to be refrigerated or requires other ingredients to be made. Do not include anything glass.

Sign up here!
