Get Out the Vote

12:00 PM
North Indy Great Hall

Do you wonder how you can make a difference in this year’s election beyond your own vote? It’s as easy as sending a postcard! This is something each of us can do, and we are making it easy for you to join the effort. St. Luke’s Justice ministry is championing a postcard-writing campaign to encourage citizens to get out and vote this November. We’ll provide the postcards, along with research-backed, non-partisan messages that have proven effective at motivating people to vote. You provide your handwriting and donate postage - if you’re able. Our goal is to send 10,000 postcards in August, and another 10,000 in September. We need your help! For more information, please contact Shelly Clasen or David Llewellyn.


Contact Shelly Clasen (317) 846-3404