Confirmation 2025

Sunday, March 16 9:30 AM

Calling all students in grades 7 or above who are not yet Confirmed! Consider joining the 2024-2025 Confirmation Class kicking off in September. Confirmation is a unique season of faith exploration for students interested in learning more about our faith. Confirmation takes place over the course of 8 sessions, one each month. September through March. Sessions will take place on Sunday morning from 9:30-noon at the North Indy Campus. Confirmands will always begin in the 9:30 worship service and will either be dismissed halfway through or sit through the full service. The worship service will serve as a launching point for the learning we will do together immediately following until noon.

Confirmands will choose a mentor who will connect with them in-between each monthly session to take the material deeper and help the Confirmand process what they are learning. This mentor serves as an older person, rooted in the faith, who can act as guide or sounding board for the student exploring their faith.

In April, the Confirmation experience will culminate in a Saturday retreat and a Sunday Confirmation Service whereby students who choose to will be confirmed.


Contact Travis Bannon (317) 846-3404