Daily Reflection

Each day mark off 15-30 minutes (or more if you have the time) to pause, say the opening prayer, then read the passage and reflect on the questions. You are encouraged to write your responses that come to mind. Be as specific as your thoughts are. You will find that capturing your honest, unfiltered thoughts will lead you to actions that become transformative. This is how the Holy Spirit grows within us.

Week 1 - The Fruit of Love

Week 2 - The Fruit of Joy

Week 3 - The Fruit of Peace

Week 4 - The Fruit of Patience

Week 5 - The Fruit of Kindness

Week 6 - The Fruit of Goodness

Week 7 - The Fruit of Faithfulness

Week 8 - The Fruit of Gentleness

Week 9 - The Fruit of Self-Control