
At St. Luke's, we offer dozens of small groups, support groups, and classes to help you receive the care you need, grow deeper in your faith and understanding of the Bible, serve together, and find community. These are places where life transformation happens and we want you to be a part of it!

Whether you choose to join in person or online, we have the perfect fit for you. Find your next group or class now!

Groups & Classes

There are many ways to connect at St. Luke's.

Small Groups of 10-12 people meet at St. Luke's or various locations around Indy. Groups often form around life stages, hobbies, or interests. These groups choose their curriculum from a variety of studies and topics offered by St. Luke's leaders and pastors. Some groups meet periodically to discuss books, serve together, or study the Bible. Choose the group that's right for you!

Classes connect us to others and help us grow in our knowledge of God and the Bible, be transformed through spiritual practices, and live out our faith in the world by serving. Classes vary based on life stage, interests, meeting frequency, and topic, but have one purpose: to become more like Jesus. We have online and in-person class offerings almost every day of the week. Choose your next class today! 

At St. Luke's, we have ministries that offer care and support during times of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual need. We are seeking to be a place that brings wholeness to everyone we service. We offer many different types of support groups and one-on-one Christian caregiving. 

Men's Ministry

Living purposefully; it’s something we all seek. Support and friendships that encourage us toward this goal is what St. Luke’s Men is all about. We desire to see every man become the follower of Jesus that God intended.  

Our vision is that through following Jesus, we are transformed into better men, serving our families and communities. With a changed heart, we are able to lead lives of greater meaning and significance. 

Get Involved

Small Groups of 10-12 people meet at St. Luke's or various locations around Indy. St. Luke's currently has several groups that are all men groups. These groups choose their curriculum from a variety of studies and topics offered by St. Luke's leaders and pastors. Some groups meet periodically to discuss books, serve together, or study the Bible. Choose the group that's right for you!

If you’re looking to connect with other men in the Indianapolis area, stop by Java Joe's across from Robertson Chapel on Sunday mornings for a cup of coffee. Get a copy of Stand Firm, a 2-minute daily devotional that we encourage for all men and find out what's coming up next for men at St. Luke's. Guys there can answer your questions and point you to a next step in growing and using your gifts.

Join a gathering of leaders for food and conversation. Learn how to serve and connect with men whose leadership is guiding St. Luke's. No registration needed. This group of men meet the first Saturday of each month.

Women at St. Luke's

At St. Luke’s we believe that faith-filled women make a difference. That's why we cultivate groups, dynamic retreats and classes that speak to the hearts of women and grow their faith as daughters of God.

Get Involved

United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women) connects spiritual women together to act boldly for justice and to transform communities. Driven by God’s love and united in sisterhood, UWF works to improve the lives of women, children and youth.

UWF does this by connecting and nurturing women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.

The St. Luke's UWF is excited present the Holiday Bazaar on the second Saturday in November. This juried bazaar will feature over 100 artisans selling their handcrafted goods. Stop in for a snack or baked good while shopping the halls of St. Luke's. 

New Life Circle is a gathering of single, divorced, and widowed working and retired women. We meet one Saturday per month and for special events.

Our group uses a butterfly symbol to represent our rebirth in Christ, and it reminds us that we are beautiful daughters of God.

You are invited to join us for:
- Fun, faith, food and fellowship
- Opportunities to serve others
- Inspirational women speakers

For additional program and event information, contact Nancy Hopper.

3rd Thursday of every month, 1PM | N103/104

This group's mission is to bring together women of faith, across generations and committed to collective social impact, through sustained investment in servant leadership.

They draw inspiration from Mary Magdalene – once discredited, now celebrated as the first person to whom the resurrected Christ appeared and proclaim the good news to the earliest disciples. “Apostle to the Apostles,” Mary of Magdala symbolizes the importance of the female voice in the global Church community. This group of women focuses on UWF missions both locally and globally. They meet on the third Thursday of the month at 1PM (Feb. - May & Sep. - Dec.). Contact Nilene Schurig .

2nd & 4th Thursdays, 10AM - 1PM | C124

This group comes together to work on sewing projects supporting UWF missions, directly helping women and children. Recent projects include book bags for Freedom School scholars, burp cloths for Hub for Hope, and fleece hats for East 10th Street Children's Center. Come for projects and fellowship. Bring a sewing machine, fabric, scissors, and pins. Contact Marilyn Langston.

Upcoming Projects

  • October 19
  • November 16
  • December 14 & 21

Community for Contemplation & Justice

The St. Luke's Community for Contemplation & Justice (CCJ) weaves together opportunities for deep internal discovery and the seeking of justice for all creation.


The goal of contemplation is to be open to God at a deep soul level.

Labyrinth walking is a spiritual discipline that involves focused motion and prayer or meditation. St. Luke’s offers three labyrinths:

  • An eight-circuit Chartres style labyrinth painted on the floor of N103/104 (check schedule by door for availability)
  • An 84-foot daylily and mulch 11-circuit Chartres style labyrinth located north of Luke’s Lodge
  • An 11-circuit canvas Chartres style portable labyrinth

The outdoor labyrinth blooms gloriously in late June. Be a part of this gift to our congregation and the wider community by volunteering to weed a small section twice a month in the spring and summer when your schedule permits.

Spiritual Direction, also known as Spiritual Companionship, is the ancient practice of the world's major religions. In this practice, a relationship between a trained Spiritual Director (mentor) and another person (directee) who desires to grow in union with God is developed through regular meetings. During this time, there will be conversations about ways God may be touching your life. This is not psychotherapy or counseling as they deal with emotional suffering, pain, or trauma in episodic meetings, whereas Spiritual Direction deals with ongoing meetings for the inexperienced person to grow in relationship with the divine.

Here is a list of Indianapolis area spiritual directors and their contact information. 

This ministry provides "hands-on" healing sessions for those experiencing physical, emotional, spiritual pain or stress. Come be surrounded by the love of God. Contact us to schedule an appointment. This Ministry is currently not being offered because of COVID restrictions.

Mindful Community Ongoing Group

Mondays, 4-5PM via Zoom. Contact Betty Brandt for the link.

No matter what you call it or what form your prayer/mediation practice takes, sitting in silence is transformative. Gather at 4PM, greet each other, hear a prayer, poem, or writing for reflection, then maintain silence for 20 minutes. Currently meeting via Zoom. Led by Rev. Janet Tiebert.

Richard Rohr’s On-line Meditation On-going Discussion Group

Thursdays, 11:45AM - 12:30PM, via Zoom. Contact Betty Brandt for link.

Are you one of the many people who read Richard Rohr every morning? Join discussion leader Roger Frick to unpack the week's meditations and have 15 minutes of silence together. If you would like to sign-up to receive Rohr’s daily devotions go to:

Bible Journaling for Spiritual Growth

1st Saturdays, 10AM - 12PM. Contact Betty Brandt for location.

Bible journaling, a cross between scrapbooking, journaling, and Bible Study, is a creative and fresh way to explore Scripture. Dig deeper into God's work, find what speaks to you and use craft supplies to express it. Come when you can!

Contemplative Outreach Centering Prayer Group

Contact Linda Farley for dates and times.

Expect an opportunity to practice Centering Prayer, view selected videos, share in small groups, and close with Lectio Divina. Free will offer taken with no registration required to attend.

Contemplative Worship

Contemplative Worship has been suspended since March 2020.

Art Exhibit

Gathering Area. Exhibits change monthly and artists hold a reception one Sunday morning each month. For inquiries about exhibiting, contact Jenny Godby.

Studio 3 Art Ministry

Thursdays 10AM - 12PM via Zoom

Artists creating in any medium are welcome to this supportive, friendly group. Some field trips scheduled throughout the year. 


The Justice Ministries at St. Luke's put faith into action to dismantle systems of injustice and oppression. Everyone is invited to join us.

As followers of Jesus, called to live into the reality of God's dream of shalom as described by Micah, we must address the epidemic of gun violence so "that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in God's paths." Therefore, we call upon United Methodists to prayerfully address gun violence in their local context. Let’s work to make a positive change together. See more at

Orange Ribbon Project

The news about another shooting in Indianapolis has become so frequent it is easy to glaze over and just move on to the next tidbit of news. The St. Luke’s Ending Gun Violence Committee wants the St. Luke’s community to stop and pay attention. Participants in this project are invited to claim 2 orange ribbons and write the name of a 2021 gun homicide victim on both ribbons. One ribbon will go home with the person to pray for the family & friends of the victim. The other ribbon will be tied on a tree outside of door #1. Online congregants will be mailed a ribbon and the committee will tie their ribbon on the tree for them. Each person will be given information about the person killed. We will continue this project until Dec 31, 2021. It will take all of us to raise awareness and learn all we can to put an end to the rising number of gun homicides. Remember that many more people are wounded by gun violence, some recover, others may have wounds that change their lives forever. Please pray for them also. If you are interested in helping with this project or other Ending Gun Violence projects and events, please contact Mike Elliott. Click here to pick a name to pray for.

The Indiana Remembrance Coalition (IRC) is an interracial group of people from a variety of walks of life and religious affiliations. The IRC is working with community and university members to address racial injustices and systemically unequal treatment toward African Americans in Indianapolis.

In 1922, the lynching of George Tompkins, a young black man in Indianapolis, was front-page news. But, it was quickly swept under the rug and has since been largely forgotten. The IRC was formed to ensure this crime, and others like it, are not forgotten. They're also partnering with the ground-breaking Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) in Montgomery, Alabama, to formally memorialize the Tompkins murder. In addition, the IRC is seeking allies in eight other Indiana counties where more than a dozen lynchings have long gone largely unacknowledged. As the EJI puts it, “achieving equality, justice, and fairness for all Americans starts with learning and sharing the truth about our past.”

The IRC gathers information and seeks community input and support. Its aim is to build awareness through personal and group interaction, classroom education, and media reporting as well as physical memorials such as markers, monuments, and murals.

Service of Remembrance - March 12 at 11AM

IRC’s first event is the Service of Remembrance to unveil the headstone at the previously unmarked grave of Mr. George Tompkins. All are invited on Saturday, March 12, 11AM-12PM, Floral Park Cemetery, 425 Holt Road, Indianapolis, IN. Reservations are required:

The Social Action Committee meets the 1st (St. Luke’s meeting) and 3rd (multi-congregational meeting) Thursdays of every month from 9-10:30AM, via Zoom. Email Betty Brandt for a zoom link or to or request our current monthly newsletter.

The Social Action Committee supports members of the St. Luke’s community as we become agents of change, promoting compassionate social policies in accordance with the values of Matthew 25: feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, caring for the sick, and showing mercy to the incarcerated. Expect speakers, networking, and conversation on crucial issues that affect the marginalized such as:

  • Ending gun violence
  • Homelessness/eviction
  • Immigration
  • Juvenile justice
  • Mass incarceration
  • Redistricting/voting rights

Creation Care Ministry meets on the second Sunday of every month at 12:15 PM via Zoom. Email Betty Brandt for link or to request our current monthly newsletter.

The mission of the Creation Care Ministry’ is to celebrate and care for God’s creation by educating, encouraging faith-based actions, and enabling the St. Luke’s UMC community to conserve resources and promote environmental harmony through sustainable practices, classes, field trips, rallies, book studies, and the following recycling opportunities:

  • E-Waste: Anything with a cord can be taken to the beige construction trailer in St. Luke’s back parking lot to be safely recycled. Click here to view a list of acceptable items. A $15 donation for every CRT item (i.e. tube TV or monitor) recycled will cover the cost to St Luke's. Please make checks payable to St. Luke’s with “Creation Care” on the memo line and take them to the church office.
  • Styrofoam: Did you know that St. Luke's is a styrofoam-free facility? We also actively recycle a variety of items at our recycling area in the Central Passage – egg cartons, ink cartridges, small vases, yarn, children’s books, eyeglasses.
  • Paper & Cardboard: Our volunteer team & staff actively recycle all paper and cardboard internally generated.

Every person is made in the image of God. No life is beyond God’s reach. See more ways to get involved.

Racial Justice Committee meets first Sunday of the month, 12:15 - 1:30PM via Zoom. Email Betty Brandt for a link or to request our current monthly newsletter.

The Racial Justice Ministry actively engages the congregation and staff in actions to dismantle racism within the congregation and in the wider community. Expect classes, book studies, speakers, networking, and conversation on crucial issues that affect the racially marginalized such as:

  • Stereotyping
  • Discrimination
  • Racism
  • Systemic Racism
  • White Privilege

Trip to Montgomery/Selma, Alabama - April 21-24, 2022

Join us April 21-24, 2022 for this life-changing trip, led by Rev. Mindie Moore and Gustanna Moss-Chaney. This trip centers on visits to the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, the Legacy Museum, and the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Other Civil Rights opportunities, special restaurants, and time for reflection are included. Email Betty Brandt for brochure. 

3rd Tuesday of the month from 1-2:30PM via Zoom. Contact Betty Brandt for a Zoom link, receive our monthly newsletter, and/or join our Leadership Team.

The Interfaith Relationships Ministry actively works to create harmony and fellowship with theologically and culturally diverse neighbors to speak to the bias-driven problems of our city. We offer opportunities for awareness, engagement, and involvement through:

  • Book studies
  • Cooking classes
  • Speakers
  • Cultural experiences
  • Tours to houses of worship

Friends in Faith

3rd Saturday of every month from 11AM -12:30PM via Zoom. Contact for a Zoom link.

Expect intimate interfaith round table discussions about topics of religious and cultural relevance. Make friends with someone from a different religious tradition!

Exploring Religion and Mysticism

2nd Thursday of every month from 10AM -12PM via Zoom. Contact for a Zoom link.

Expect a different interfaith speaker each month followed by a lively discussion.

Indianapolis Women’s Interfaith Group

2nd Tuesday of each month from 1-2:30PM via Zoom. Contact Sharon Jackson for a Zoom link.

Expect speakers and topics of interest from a variety of faith traditions.

The mission of the LGBTQ Ministry is to share the love of Jesus Christ with those in the LGBTQ community, families of those in the LGBTQ community, and all those in fellowship with the LGBTQ community. Adhering to St. Luke's mission, we will embrace being an open community of Christians helping people find and give hope through Jesus Christ. We welcome all to participate in the following activities:

  • LBGTQ events such as the Pride Parade & Festival

To become involved and/or request our current newsletter, contact Betty Brandt.

Meets the 1st Tuesday of the month, 7-8PM via zoom

Email Betty Brandt at for the zoom link. Their goal is to educate themselves to be able to effectively advocate for the rights of tenants. 

TAG keeps up to date on happenings in Indiana and the nation through speakers, reading, and attending conferences. The group builds coalitions with community organizations and other faith communities seeking to find solutions to the problems of evictions and homelessness. Their most recent Resources for Tenants flyer can be found here.

If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Chair Lynn Black at

St. Luke's has Groups and Classes for everyone!