Pastoral Devotions

March 6, 2020
Look Up...and Around!
Pastor Rob Fuquay
February 21, 2020
Good All Around
Pastor Rob Fuquay
February 14, 2020
Valentine's Day? Fake news!
Pastor Rob Fuquay
February 10, 2020
Living the Faith
Pastor Rob Fuquay
January 31, 2020
Discipleship and Scouting
Pastor Rob Fuquay
January 24, 2020
Pastor Rob Fuquay
January 17, 2020
Pastor Rob Fuquay
January 13, 2020
What's Ahead for the United Methodist Church?
Pastor Rob Fuquay
January 3, 2020
Jesus' Epiphany and Ours
Pastor Rob Fuquay
December 20, 2019
Christ In You
Pastor Rob Fuquay