Inclusive, Justice Seeking

Worship With Us

North Indy - Traditional 9:30AM & Contemporary 9:30AM & 11AM
Midtown - Contemporary 11AM
Online - 9:30AM & 11AM

Ash Wednesday

March 5, 2025

Don't miss the Ash Wednesday service this week, March 5, which begins the season of Lent. We will have services at noon and 7 PM in Robertson Chapel and a 7 PM service at Midtown. This service will also kick off our Lent series, "The Prayers that Jesus Prayed."

Becoming Antiracist

Join us in the life-long commitment to do justice by learning about inequity and participating in ways that bring change.

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Faith For Families

We partner with parents to raise children who trust God with their hearts and follow Jesus with their lives. 

We’re a safe space for everyone to find community and explore faith.