Inclusive, Justice Seeking

Worship With Us

North Indy - Traditional 9:30AM & Contemporary 9:30AM & 11AM
Midtown - Contemporary 11AM
Online - 9:30AM & 11AM

Caring for Our Immigrant Neighbors

February 23, 2025 at 12:30 PM

Join us for an informational meeting hosted by the Immigrant Welcome Center. The focus of this gathering will aim to help us understand the vibrancy, value, and complexity of immigrant communities in Indianapolis and the unique challenges that even legal immigrants face today. Childcare and lunch will be provided, and registration is required.

Becoming Antiracist

Join us in the life-long commitment to do justice by learning about inequity and participating in ways that bring change.

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Faith For Families

We partner with parents to raise children who trust God with their hearts and follow Jesus with their lives. 

We’re a safe space for everyone to find community and explore faith.