Restore to Me The Joy

April 26, 2024 • Rev. Dr. Jevon Caldwell-Gross

I have a mentor/colleague that is by far one of the most encouraging people I have ever met. She has a familiar saying that goes, "Find what brings you joy and then go do it." It sounds so simple.... but it's not. Joy is one of those promises that God wants us to experience. First, it's tough for many people to even articulate what actual things bring them joy. We tend to spend so much time in daily life that we've either never found it or lost it somewhere along in our journeys. Here's what is so deceiving; you can lose joy from the very things and experiences that you once loved! For many people, the joy that God so readily offers and promises to us seems so elusive.    

Over these next several months, Pastor Rob is certainly committed to finding joy in a way that speaks to him; in the mountains. In fact, when he lists the names, the location and elevation of the different mountains, he lights up! I have no doubt that these experiences have and will bring him joy! Maybe it's not climbing thousands of feet and being physically exhausted, but you too have something that makes you light up. You have something that brings you unspeakable and God-given joy. It takes courage to climb a mountain and it may take courage and a step of faith for you to find or rediscover yours.   

I invite you to simply pray the simple words of the Psalmist, "Lord, restore to me the joy of _______." That's the great thing about joy and power of grace, even when we think it's lost, we can find it again....and again... and again... 

So, find what brings you joy, and go do it!  

See you Sunday!   

Pastor Jevon 

Rev. Dr. Jevon Caldwell-Gross