From the Mountaintop

May 03, 2024 • Rev. Dr. Jevon Caldwell-Gross

Have you wanted something for a long time and doubted whether or not you would ever see it come to pass? I imagine that's what Moses felt as they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. There were moments they wanted to turn around. There were times when even Moses got frustrated. The promised land seemed so close yet so far away... Until it wasn't. Scripture reminds us, "From the mountaintop, Moses saw the Promised Land." I imagine in that moment, the 40 years were no longer journeyed in vain. What was once a prayer had finally become a reality, and the Lord allowed Moses to see it for himself.

I hope that we can all take a moment this weekend to embrace what's happening in the United Methodist Church. We just concluded a sermon series looking at the DNA of the Methodist Church, and this is one of the pivotal moments that will forever define who we are. The vote to remove exclusive language around gender and sexuality from the discipline passed with immense support. This is a weight lifted and a door opened that many have been waiting to hear for years, even decades to see. Many thought this day would never come. It's great to be a part of a church that truly welcomes people. Other decisions arising from General Conference might lead to changes in apportionments and give deacons more sacramental responsibilities. Much has been said about the decline of mainline churches. Maybe this is a start to new possibilities. Maybe this is an invitation to journey to lands we have never seen. And how blessed we are that we get to witness a promise fulfilled and possibilities on the horizon.

So, I ask the question again, 'Have you wanted something for a long time and doubted whether or not you would ever see it come to pass?' There will be times when it seems so far away. You will get frustrated. It will seem unreachable and at times impossible... Until it's not. Until we are called to a mountain to see for ourselves certain prayers answered. Whether it be our denomination or the situation that no one knows about, keep praying, keep believing, keep moving. It might be hard to hear this at the moment, but one day it will all be worth it!

See you Sunday, 

Pastor Jevon

Rev. Dr. Jevon Caldwell-Gross