Encouraging Stories

Irony in the Midst of the Pandemic!
Apr 1, 2020

This past Saturday I was talking to a friend and we were trying to calm one another about our fears about the corona virus. During that conversation, my friend’s voice changed to one of sudden alarm to report that it was hailing outside her home. I immediately said “What other plagues are going to strike us? Frogs, skin boils, locusts, what?” We chuckled as we both recalled our horrifying Sunday school memories about Moses and the 10 plagues of Egypt.

The next morning when I went outside to walk my dog, there was a recently killed bullfrog in the center of my driveway! I immediately started laughing and said out loud “Good one, Lord - you got me!”

I hope someone else can appreciate the irony which I believe God used to make me laugh in the midst of this pandemic.

Judy Davis